Wednesday 19 September 2012

Caught In The Act: Illegal Dumping of Rubbish in Nigel

This is an email I sent to the Manager of Angelo Superspar in Nigel on 14 September 2012:

'The Manager,

This morning, about 09:15, as I passed the back entrance of Spar (old Heidelberg Road towards Heidelberg) I found one of your employees (Name given as Patrick) busy to dump rubbish of Spar just outside the gate in the grass just next to the road. I confronted him and he indicated that he was dumping the rubbish on instruction of his 'boss', 'Jimmy'. He also confirmed that he is an employee of Spar and I saw him coming through the gate of Spar with one of the municipal waste bins.

Since my arrival here in Nigel in 2010, incidentally the same time Angelo Mall opened, I came aware of the illegal dumping of rubbish on the outskirts of Nigel and it is especially the old Heidelberg Road running from The Mall towards Heidelberg that is being targeted by irresponsible persons to dump their rubbish. With time this tendency of dumping rubbish as we wish, where we wish, became worse and as a ratepayer I just could not keep quiet anymore and I tried to get the two local newspapers involved, but to no avail. Then I started a blog to raise concern and you can follow this link:
Article Illegal Dumping

After I published this article, The Record suddenly 'became involved'. However, matters got worse and this morning I took a video of your employee with the rubbish. Follow this link:
Caught in the Act

Please, I know he could be making it up that his 'boss Jimmy' instructed him to do it but the matter of the fact it is an employee of Spa is doing this and where will it end? Just go and look outside your gate and further on towards Heidelberg, it is ugly!! What is also a concern is that there was one of your security guards also outside who threw away rubbish and as he went inside, this Patrick passed him with the bin and the guard did not even looked into it - he could just as well been taking stock out!

So, please, stop this illegal dumping, and if you could, try to clean up the mess just outside your gate.


Apologies for not giving my name but I have been victimized once too many!'

On  17 September 2012 I  received the following reply from the Management:

'Good day,

Thank you very much for brining this matter to our attention.

We have investigated this matter and found the person who was dumping waste water into the veld was from a outside cleaning company and did not receive any instructions from as so called Mr. Jimmy.

It was of his own accord and apologized for his actions.  Our company sees this in a very serious matter and will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening again.

Our sincere apologies.


 I accepted this response in good faith and the matter is closed. 

The lesson here, is that this beautiful town is ours, we must be proud citizens. Not only proud, but good citizens - good citizens do not litter or dump rubbish illegal. And the best of all is, we must show each other on our mistakes and work hand in glove to make this town and environment beautiful!!!!


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